Cloudy Skies is a story that has been in development since Summer 2016, and now, for the first time ever, it has been released as a one-shot comic book on Amazon Kindle! More info below!

The story is a romantic comedy that follows a mischievous ''Stormcaster'' named Nublado, who was banished a long time ago from his home, The Weather Realm. Since then, he's settled himself above an abandoned human home and has casting storms and rains upon any human that tries to move in. Until one day, one of those humans turns out to be a beautiful Sun Guardian named Gyra, and Nublado falls instantly in love with her! Now, follow Nublado's quest as he tries to win Gyra's heart.
An animated prequel to Cloudy Skies was released in 2020, titled ''Cloudy Skies: Into the Tempest'', which narrated Nublado's backstory and showed a glimpse of his life before he met Gyra.
Cloudy Skies is a very special story from Di Franco Comics, and we are more than happy to finally be sharing it with the world.